We protect the privacy of all visitors toour site, https://www.nsotechnologies.com. To this end, we would like to bring it to your attention that we only use your email addresses in order to respond to any communication you may have initiated with us, or for information about any developments or updates that may be relevant to you. Any information that you may share with us, will not be shared with third parties.
In order to optimize your experience of this website, we make use of cookies. However, while these cookies help us provide you with improved services by virtue of your online behaviour, we assure you that they do not carry any information that can be used to personally identify you. If you wish to disable cookies, you may do so through your browser options.
This policy only applies to activities on this website and does not apply to information collected through channels outside this website.
*This Privacy Policy was last updated on: Sunday, October 1st, 2017.